
Name : Zohaib Khurshid
Speciality : Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine, Materials Science, Chemistry, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, General & Internal Medicine
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Affilation : Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics and Dental Implantology, College of Dentistry, King Faisal University, Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia.

A persistent enthusiastic researcher, having steadfast devotion for science and research. A research led academician, with an aim of developing young minds and delivering dental education. An active member of a renowned teaching institute, having considerable exposure of teaching, research and clinical management. My progressive activities along with constructive and intellectual pursuits made me the youngest, celebrated dental biomaterial researcher of Pakistan with over more than 150 peer-reviewed publications since 2013 in the field of dental biomaterials, dental implantology, saliva diagnostics, dental education, and clinical dentistry. My Scopus h-index of 25; Google scholar h-index of 36; i10-index of 79. I am also credited of being the lead editor for books on “Advanced Dental Biomaterials” (published in 2019 by Woodhead Publisher, UK), “Dental Implants Materials, Coatings, Surface Modifications and Interfaces with Oral Tissues” (published in 2020 by Woodhead Publisher, UK) and “Biomaterials in Endodontics” (Published in 2021 by Woodhead Publisher, UK). Presently, I am an editorial board member of some of the most prominent journals, including “European Dental Journal”, “European Journal of General Dentistry”, “Journal of Oral Research” and “Brazilian Dental Sciences". Simultaneously, I am also serving as a reviewer board member for many ISI journals and have been registered as a peer reviewer at Publons, and have peer reviewed more than 200 papers.